In Review… “Think Like a Man”(?)

“Think Like a Man” Theatrical Poster

The long awaited DVD release is finally here.

I figured now was as good a time as ever to watch the blockbuster hit, “Think Like a Man”, based on the bestselling self-help book by Steve Harvey, “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man”. My assessment? “Think Like a Man” was an hour and thirty minutes of watching sexy people be cute, funny, and To be plain, the film is purely for entertainment ONLY. There’s nothing  in the film that I could see actually happening in a real life situation. It was completely unrealistic relationship wise. Maybe, I simply refused to have a man tell me how I should behave as a female to get the perfect relationship. That’s not to say it was a bad film. Not at all, actually. The film was entertaining and comedic in almost every opportune moment and a joy to watch. But I wouldn’t call it the self-help film of the year.

My Rating: B

The characters in the movie don’t appear in the book. Rather, the movie us about a group of men and women who all read the book and use it to help their love lives. I can’t assess the amount of self-help this movie could actually give viewers.  With such compelling advise as, “Men respect women with standards-get some!”, I think it’s safe to say the flagship book won’t added to any reputable psychologists’ bookshelves. But thankfully, it wasn’t too overdramatic and in your face with lessons about how to have the perfect relationship. In fact, the movie focuses around how trying to follow a prescribed formula for happiness can, and often will, backfire. It was more of a satire of the book it was based off of, which seemed strange to me.

Credit must be given to the great writing and acting in this film. It was a really funny movie with skillfully hidden humor and sarcasm. For example, Michael Ealy, who plays would-be chef Dominic in the film, complains about seeing the movie “For Colored Girls” citing a part where some crazy guy throws his kids out of a window, referring to the role he played as that same crazy guy!

Speaking of Ealy, the star studded cast was a definite distraction from the unrealistic plot. Gorgeous actors and actresses including one of my Favorites, Taraji P. Henson, graced the screen with seemingly good chemistry. Director Tim Story did a fantastic job staying true to the characters’ personalities on and off screen without succumbing to stereotypical portrayals of blacks (except in periodical jest).

At the end of the day, “Think Like a Man” was funny and well put together. It was creative and refreshing in this era of remakes. I’d definitely watch it again.

The “Think Like a Man” DVD is on sale now in the United States.

In your ear… August 22, 2012


Anthony Brown and Group TherAPy

Let’s start with Anthony Brown and Group TherAPy (not sure why the “AP” is capitalized. But the journalist in me approves) I had the pleasure of attending his album release concert at First Baptist Church of Glenarden earlier this week. Some of Gopsel Music’s biggest names were there including Richard Smallwood, Maurette Brown Clark, After the energetic and emotional performances of some of the most talented individuals, I was compelled to buy the album. It’s actually the first CD I’ve purchased in a long time and I do not regret it. I’ve been listening to it in my car and on my laptop. Even if religious music isn’t your scene, you’ll appreciate the eclectic mix of voices and harmonies and the inspirational messages about success and perseverance attached to each song.

My rating: A


“Safe and Sound” single cover

Okay, maybe I’m late to this song’s bandwagon but I’ve recently watched The Hunger Games. Great movie and great series of novels. However, I was most interested in the closing credits where I heard this haunting collaboration from Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars: “Safe and Sound” Now, I’m not a Taylor Swift fan but there’s no denying the beauty of her voice on this record. A sorrowful song  that deviates from her goody-two-shoes-girl image but she bears it well.

My rating: A-

So, my Twitter feed has been exploding with Tweets about this new Miguel song “Adorn”. Most people think it’s a soon to be played out hit. Others are in absolute love with the record while still others find it overrated. What do I think? I feel like I’ve heard it before. The melody sounds done before. Still, I did listen to it more than one time in a row-not a bad sign. But I’m not too pressed over it.


My rating: B-

Spring Break 2012 Pt. 3

Happy Hump Day (also known as Wednesday)

So my Spring Break 2012 is still going strong. But things are starting to get a bit more stressful as the week progresses (in a good way)


A lot more driving around today. Went to lunch with my wonderful grandparents at their favorite Chinese buffett. After that, I went thrift store shopping with my mommie. Got a ton of books and this amazing shirt! What do you think?

My new Shirt

Afterwards, I went to visit my God-sisters and my 3-year-old niece. I haven’t seen them in almost a year so I was super excited that they were here.

Sounds like a pretty relaxig day, right? So why am I stressed? Well, part of the reason I’m home is because my family and I are planning a big surprise party in honor of my grandpa’s 66th birthday and retirement. It’s going to be a big fun family affair but party planning is super stressful. I have to make a iMovie out of old pictures of my grandpa, I have to take family photos, I have to cook,and I have to sing. It’s a lot to do!

So these next few days will be all about my Spring Break adventures/my Grandpa’s Birthday Celebration! Stay tuned!

Spring Break 2012 Pt. 2

Greetings fellow Spring Break-ers!!

I’ve been having a wonderful break so far just hanging out around the house. So many amazing and beautiful things have been happening and I’m going to share them all with you!


So, I drove to Norfolk State University to visit my good friend Nick and we took a drive to the lovely Virginia Beach!!! Isn’t it beautiful?

Virginia Beach <3

Unfortunately, my camera died after these two pics! So, Nick purchased a handy dandy disposable camera (real old school style!) Check out my Just Pics tab at the end of the week to see all of the pics we took when they develop.

Old School Camera

So, although it is my Spring Break, I’m still working hard to make my mark on the journalism world. I got an email on Monday from the T-Howard Foundation, this really cool organization that helps diversify the media world. They help students (like me) find internships with big media companies and networks. So anyway, I finally got an email from them about an internship opportunity. Guess where it is? (drum roll please)

CNN in Atlanta, Georgia!

I’m so excited! Fingers crossed, I get the job! Wish me luck and look out for more great news about my Spring Break 2012!

Spring Break 2012 Pt. 1


Hi everybody ! I hope you’re all enjoying the wonderful weather (if you’re having wonderful weather like I am). My Spring Break (my LAST spring break) is underway! Now normally, I do community service during my breaks from school by traveling to Philly and tutoring and mentoring urban city students. But this year, I decided to relax and go crazy like normal college students (and by go crazy, I mean do basically nothing extreme) and I’ve decided to photo-document every minute of it! Here’s part one…


So, I drove to North Carolina to visit my best friend (7 hours from where I’m from in Maryland) so the majority of the first day of my Spring Break went like this:

But I did finally arrive and got to explore and experience life at a HBCU (Historically Black College or University) and it was so much fun! And I made baked spaghetti for the first time! Yum! What do you think?


My baked Spaghetti :


After a long Day 1 of driving, I slept in on Day 2. My best friend and I cooked breakfast. Unfortunately, I burned the toast. But the omelets came out pretty good.

The Omelett

I had heard so much about the famous North Carolina “Cookout” burger and shake joint, I had to check it out. And I was not disappointed! The best burger I’ve ever received for under 2 bucks. And I had my first Cheerwine (I think I’m addicted)


I made my way back to my hometown in Virginia that afternoon. I spent most of the day with my family. My aunt insisted on sharing her chicken livers (it’s a country thang, YUM!)

Chicken Livers!

Be on the look out tomorrow for more of my Spring Break 2012 photo updates!

Favorite Artists

Greetings everyone! So, in keeping up with my month-long list of my Favorite Things, I decided to show you guys which recording artist I’m currently feeling rather heavily. Introducing (but not really) miss Elle Varner.

You might recognize her from my Favorite Ladies post last week but I have been almost obsessed with this up and coming singer since I first saw the music video for her first single: “Only Wanna Give It To You” featuring another rising star, J. Cole. She has such a creative style that I honestly envy and I just LOVEEE (3 “E’s”) her hair!

This video of her interview on BET’s 106 and Park solidified my admiration of her. She’s just so bubbly and humble plus her outfit is adorable. Her modesty is something I feel others in the music business truly lack. I strive to be as together as she is in my professional future. Youtube is full of short videos of this girl singing live and she truly has some powerful lungs! She wrote the songs on her first album, “Perfectly Imperfect” and she sings about so much more than money. cars, clothes and sex. My new themesong is “So Fly”, a sweet, silly song with a serious message for everyone about true beauty. So, watch out for Elle (did I mention that’s a beautiful name?). This talented beauty is about to do big things!

Favorite Ladies

Happy New Year!

I decided to take my blogging more seriously (that or I’m very bored. maybe both). I’ve been thinking a lot about my favorite things, things that make me, well…Me! And I found that I’m actually influenced by a lot of things and people. So, I’m starting a series of posts under My Favorite Things starting with my Favorite Ladies.


Just some of my Favorite Ladies

So, here’s a grouping of some of my favorite female personalities. Some are movie stars, some are philanthropists, some actors, some musicians, some just normal but all are very complex and very beautiful inside and out. I find that I am influenced by their style and personalities and paths they’ve chosen in life.

Although I’ll always be uniquely me, as the new year begins and many changes approach, I’m thinking a lot about the path I want to forge in life and I look to these ladies for inspiration.

Be on the look-out for more of my Favorite Things!

[collage by]

Old School meets New School: Just What did Jolie Learn?

Tonight, the Philip Merrill College of Journalism held its fourth installment of the “Multimedia Behind the Scenes“. Tonight’s discussion: “Sports Blogging: Old School Meets New School” moderated by Shirley Povich chair Kevin Blackistone

So, what did I learn?

1. Twitter can be “Life Sucking”

As panelist and Post blogger Dan Steinberg so elegantly put it, Twitter takes up a huge portion of a reporter’s life. He mentioned how at the very moment of the panel, he was fidgeting in his seat as his Blackberry was buzzing worried that he was missing an important Tweet. I would agree that Twitter takes up a huge chunk off social and academic life (in fact, I was “live Tweeting” during the entirety of the Symposium!). Although it is a bit obsessive at times, it is useful. Diamondback Sports Editor Jonas Shaffer talked about how he even uses Twitter to get quotes/information for his stories! For example, when the Terps went to the Military Bowl, our first bowl game in some years, the players weren’t available for interviews. But their Twitters where a free-for-all of soundbites and quotable dialogue amongt players. So, the life sucking of Twitter can in turn be revitalizing for journalism.

2. Blogs appeal to a totally different audience

I quote a panelist from the symposium “Blogs appeal to fans who may like a sport, but LOVE a team”. This stood out quite a bit to me (though, not enough for me to remember who said it). I do agree that Blogs aren’t for people who want stats and facts and figures, but for people who want opinions, and slant and scandal and fun facts. Leave the hard-hitting intelligence increasing news for your print edition. The blogs are for the people who don’t care too much about all of that detail.

3. Blogging creates ethical dangers

As tantalizing as the blogging world is, journalists should proceed with caution. There are so many fine, shady lines that can be easily crossed when entering into the online reporting world. Is it okay to take direct quotes from an athlete’s Twitter page? How can we know if it is really that person Tweeting even if it is a verified account? Are bloggers in such a rush to break an online story that they don’t  take the time to fact check their posts? In this online journalism world, news from all kinds of sources becomes available so fast. Journalism Bloggers have a desire to get it first before getting it right. I suggest that bloggers develop a “Social Media Policy” similar to an Ethics Code, just to be on the safe side.


All in all, I enjoyed the symposium more than I expected. It was informative, thought provoking, and entertaining (Dan Steignberg and George Solomon should have a show together!) I’ll definitely take into account a quote from Washington Post blogger Cindy Boren. We (bloggers) have to “Think outside of the box. We can’t put ourselves into a box of just being a ‘Blogger” or just being print or broadcast”. The media world has obviously gotten so big. It would be ridiculous for us to limit ourselves to professional titles so small.

Media Diary-Just How does Jolie get her News?

Tuesday March 1

I have recently created a “professional” Twitter account to have on my website so visitors wouldn’t judge me on the nonsence that plagues my original Twitter daily. I make it a practice to follow only media sites and bloggers and distinguished profiles like that. I saw that CNN Tweeted a story about women STILL earning less than men. Well, as a woman, who hopes to earn a great deal in her future, this story naturally intrigued me. Continue reading